I sandhedens
Danish Korean Rights Group har anmodet Sydkoreas Sandheds- og Forsoningskommission om at undersøge adoptioner fra Sydkorea.
The Danish Korean Rights Group has requested South Korea's Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate adoptions from South Korea.
Hvad er Danish Korean Rights Group
Danish Korean Rights Group er en dansk forening af danske adopterede fra Korea. Foreningen arbejder for koreanske adopteredes rettigheder til identitet og retten til vores sande baggrundsoplysninger
What is the Danish Korean Rights Group
Danish Korean Rights Group is a Danish association of Danish adoptees from Korea. The association works for Korean adoptees' rights to identity and true background information
The Danish Korean Right Group works to bring out the truth about adoptions from South Korea. Close to 400 adoptees from around the world have submitted requests to South Korea's Truth and Reconciliation Commission to thoroughly investigate adoptions from South Korea. We will soon know the role of the Korean state during the dictatorship as well as the roles of the adoption agencies.
Dansk | Date (dd/mm/yy) | English |
Offentliggørelse af delkonklusion fra TRC. I forbindelse hermed blev et pressemøde afholdt. | 26/03/25 | Partial conclusion from TRC with a press conference. |
Indlevering af sager til TRC vedrørende adopteres medicinske dokumenter | 2025 | Submission of cases to TRC regarding the adoptees' medical documents |
DKRG's boglanchering | 24/10/24 | DKRG's book launch |
Boonyoung taler ved National Audit i Korea | 21/10/24 | Boonyoung makes a speech at the National Audit in Korea |
Foreløbig konklusion fra TRC vedrørende koreanske institutioner og ordre 410 | 09/09/24 | Preliminary conclusion from TRC regarding Korean instituions and order 410 |
TRC mødes med Socialudvalget i Korea | 06/09/24 | TRC meeting with the Danish Social Commitee in Korea |
Officiel klage indgives til Korea's anti-korruptionskomité over NCRS' behandling af adopterede. | 14/05/24 | Official complaint submitted to Korea's Anti-Corruption Comittee regarding NCRS- treatment of adoptees. |
DKRG mødes med TRC præsident, kommissionens medlemmer samt efterforskere. Planlægning af det videre forløb. | 13/05/24 | DKRG meets with the TRC president, the commission's members and investigator. Planning of the next steps ahead. |
TRC-deltagere mødes med TRC i Korea | 13/05/24 | TRC participants meet with TRC in Korea |
TRC-deltagere mødes med TRC i Korea i forbindelse med Adoption Week | 01/05/24 | TRC participants meet with TRC in Korea in connection with Adoption Week. |
TRC bliver forlænget med 1 år | 22/01/24 | TRC is extended by 1 year |
DKRG anmoder om forlægnelse af efterforskningsperioden ved TRC | 28/11/23 | DKRG requests an extension of the investigation period at TRC |
Indlevering af 6 tatoverings-sager til TRC | 02/11/23 | Submission of 6 tattoo cases to TRC |
TRC besøger Danmark | 17/06/23 | TRC visits Denmark |
Eva taler i det koreanske parlament | 11/05/23 | Eva makes a speech in the Korean parliament |
Sidste svarfrist for til TRC | 06/08/23 | Final dealine for TRC-participantants to respond to TRC |
Peter taler i det koreanske parlament | 29/06/23 | Peter makes a speech in the Korean parliament |
Eva, Peter og Boonyoung mødes med TRC angående de medicinske dokumenter | 09/05/23 | Eva, Peter, and Boonyoung meet with TRC regarding the medical documents |
TRC efterforsker børnehjem i Seoul - 300 siders konklusion | 02/02/23 | TRC investigates orphanages in Seoul – 300-page conclusion |
Peter taler ved National Audit i Korea | 22/10/22 | Peter makes a speech at the National Audit in Korea |
Møde med Ankestyrelsen | 24/09/22 | Meeting with the Danish Appeals Board |
Indlevering af 28 nye sager | 09/12/22 | 28 new cases are filed. |
Sandhedskommissionen nedsætter undersøgelseskommission af adoptioner fra Sydkorea | 06/12/22 | The Truth Commission sets up a commission of inquiry into adoptions from South Korea |
24 sager + et supplerende hoveddokument indleveres | 11/11/22 | 24 cases + a supplementary main document are submitted |
231 nye sager indsendes til kommissionen | 13/09/22 | 231 new cases are submitted to the commission |
51 sager + 1 hovedsag indgives til kommissionen | 23/08/22 | 51 cases + 1 main case submitted to the commission |
Den sydkoreanske sandheds- og forsoningskommision afdækker menneskerettighedskrænkelser begået under Sydkoreas autoritære periode. I 2022 indbragte DKRG 367 enkeltsager for kommissionen. Kommissionen har siden december 2022 undersøgt både hvorvidt der er sket menneskerettighedskrænkelser i enkelt sager og på systematisk niveau. Kommissionens delrapport vedrører derfor alle adoptioner, ca 200.000 til store dele af Vesten, foretaget under Sydkoreas autoritære periode.
Fact box:
The South Korean Truth and Reconciliation Commission uncovers human rights violations committed during South Korea's authoritarian period. In 2022, the DKRG brought 367 individual cases before the commission. Since December 2022, the commission has been investigating whether human rights violations have occurred in individual cases as well as on a systemic level. The commission's partial report therefore concerns all adoptions, approximately 200,000 to large parts of the West, carried out during South Korea's authoritarian period.
Danish Korean Rights Groups kræver
+ Sandheden om oversøiske adoptioner, etnisk udrensning og deportationer skal frem.
+ Adoptionsfirmaerne skal stilles til ansvar for tyveri af koreanske børn
+ Adoptionsfirmaernes rolle i deportationer af børn skal klarlægges
+ Antallet af døde børn i adoptionsfirmaernes varetægt skal offentliggøres
+ Adoptionsfirmaernes brug af stystematisk forfalskede dokumenter skal klarlægges
+ Sexuelle overgreb på børn og adoptioner til pædofile i regi af adoptionsfirmaet Holt skal efterforskes
+Det fortsatte salg af børn og krænkelser af børns rettigheder skal stoppes i Sydkorea
The Danish Korean Rights Group demands
+ The truth about overseas adoptions, ethnic cleansing and deportations must come out.
+ The adoption companies must be held accountable for stealing Korean children
+ The role of adoption companies in deportations of children must be clarified
+ The number of dead children in the care of adoption companies must be published
+ The adoption companies' use of systematically falsified documents must be clarified
+ Sexual abuse of children and adoptions for pedophiles under the auspices of the adoption company Holt must be investigated
+The continued sale of children and violations of children's rights must be stopped in South Korea
Alle har ret til at kende deres egen sande baggrund og sande identitet. Det gælder også for adopterede fra Sydkorea. Det er adoptionsfirmaerne i Korea, der en gang stod for vores adoption dog ikke.
Derfor beder vi Sydkoreas Sandhedskommission om at give os sandheden om adoptioner fra Sydkorea.
Everyone has the right to know their own true background and true identity.
This also applies to adoptees from South Korea. It is the adoption companies in Korea that were once responsible for our adoption, however not.
Therefore, we are asking the Truth Commission of South Korea to give us the truth about adoptions from South Korea.
Number of applications from adoptees
(delivered cases to date)
(Main documents from DKRG)
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